Introduction of our committees and groups

Main activities and results of the committees and groups: Introduction of main activities

As our basic policy and motto JBMIA conducts agile business activities to contribute to the solutions of common key issues for the industries such as promotion of the digitalization and networking, dealing with the global environmental issues, and preparation for changes in users' needs.

What our Committees and Groups do

In line with the basic policy of the Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA), our committees and groups work with agility to contribute to solving key issues commonly shared by relevant industries, such as promoting digitalization and networking, solving global environmental problems, and preparing for changing user needs.

Introduction of our activities

Environmental activities / recovery and recycling

We engage in a variety of environmental activities including ensuring compliance with environmental regulations in Japan and around the world on recovery/recycling, chemical substance contents, and the like, as well as working with and conducting research on the trends of environmental labels (e.g., eco marks, Blue Angel) of products overseen by the JBMIA. Furthermore, we have also embarked on the establishment of an open recycling system for plastic.
A group of 12 manufacturers of copiers, multi-function devices (MFDs), and digital duplicators have built and operated a recovery/recycling system in which the used trade-in machines collected by them in their sales activities are consolidated at a recovery/exchange center before being returned to their respective makers. In addition, we have also begun working to establish a joint product delivery system, starting with a shared last-one-mile delivery framework for distributing products to end users.
Our members are thus promoting reuse, recycling, and joint recovery/delivery logistics, thereby contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions in transportation.

International initiatives

In the rapidly changing international environment, the JBMIA has been striving to solve global problems and issues pertaining to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) for the benefit of its constituent industries and to enhance quality through analysis and research on business operations. As one example of our activities, we tackled the MFD tariff issue over a lengthy period of time, taking the case to the WTO. Moreover, with a view to making an international contribution, we leverage the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) to provide technical support to ASEAN countries and strive to strengthen cooperative relationships with them.

Security-related initiatives

Security is becoming an increasingly important aspect of our activities. Since fiscal 2021, our Cybersecurity Committee played a central role in formulating the Business Machines Security Guidelines for products equipped with network functions compliant with security standards (abbreviated as “BMSec”), and started implementing the guidelines in collaboration with the Printer & MFD Group.

Digital-related initiatives

Our Document Management System Group leads our efforts in promoting computerized bookkeeping. It has set forth the JBMS standard QR Code Specification, which allows electronic forms to be handled efficiently by using QR codes, and is working to proliferate it.


Policy planning committees

Planning Committee

It deliberates issues related to main activities of this association and examines proposals to the board of directors.

Public Relation Committee

It carries out transmission of information related to the activities of this association, and studies and carries out dissemination of the public relation.

Statistics Committee

It examines and carries out surveys and statistic of the products under the control of this association.

Committees by issue

International Trade Committee

As to global issues it works with the Japanese government based on the activities concerned through the investigation, analysis and industries' consensus opinion concerning activities related to trade issues and the industries' measures against rapid development of emerging markets.

Technology Committee

It tries to solve technical problems by conducting trends research and reviewing its measures concerning the product safety, EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), communication, human exposure to electromagnetic ray, new technology trends, usability, and packing related regulations trends.

Standardization Center

It carries out the standardization to meet the color and network era, the improvement of users' interface convenience, the improvement of accessibility to business machines giving consideration to the elder persons and persons with disabilities, promotion of standardization activities of the association, and the preparation of the JIS drafts.

Environment Committee

It copes with solution of the environmental issues by conducting comprehensive investigations and researches into social trends in business machines and information system industries in and outside Japan and the environmental issues toward the global environment sustainability and improvement.

Intellectual Property Committee

It studies industrial rights, legal/copy rights, and measures against counterfeit goods, and carries out consensus building in the industries, and carries out activities to improve various institutions and makes proposals in cooperation with patent office in and outside Japan.

Reverse Logistic Committee

It promotes the system to collect used business machines. It operates the system for exchanging/recycling efficiently other manufacturers’ copying machines, MFD and other products collected from users as trade-ins.

Logistics Committee

This committee drives joint distribution to customers. It contributes to the risk of "unstable distribution", the improvement of working environment of logistics industry (white logistics) and the reduction of CO2 through the efficient joint distribution along with eliminating the number of trucks to use.

Plastic-Material-Recycle Committee

Investigation for establishment on plastic-recycling, and monitoring the policy for recycling plastic in each country.

Service and Support Committee

It conducts examinations of service/support activities, skill-up plans for the customer engineers (CE), improvement of the service/support level to provide.

Cybersecurity Committee

In alliance with overseas/domestic govermental body, industrial group, and/or cybersecurity related groups, our committee analyzes and studies cybersecurity policy, regulation, rules, orders and/or requirements, takes part in standarization process,and/or works for cybersecurity incident issues within or relating to the area of office equipment.

Japanese committees for ISO/IEC

Japanese Committee for ISO Information Technology

It prepares and proposes ISO international standards, and deliberates the international standards. (Handling fields: Business machines, card and individual identification, and users' interface related to information devices.)

No. 108 Committee

It provides the international standards (IEC) with proposals related to the safety of IT devices, audio/video products and related electronic device parts and coordinates the consistency of technical standards for electrical appliances.


Groups for each product

Printer & MFD Group

It promotes energy saving and 3 Rs (recycling, reusing, reducing), standardizes the terms/specification forms, examines comprehensible indications for users, grasps/reviews/handles properly problems related to the distribution.

Digital Duplicator Group

It promotes standardization and 3 Rs, disseminates the products, and grasps the market trends.

Large Format Inkjet Printer Group

Safety concerning the use environment in the large format inkjet printer field, examination of standardization of the method to describe the basic specification in the catalog, etc.

Business Inkjet Printer Group

In the field of inkjet printers for business use, standardization of methods for describing basic specifications in catalogs, examine of standardization of measurement methods for published data related to TCO, etc.

Commercial Digital Printing Group

It standardizes the terminology and indications for users, promotes the enhancement/enlargement of the digital printing workflow.

Data Projector Group

It standardizes the performance indicators, measurement methods/conditions and terms, promotes the standardization, promotes dissemination of PJLink, handles safety standards for new light sources.

Shredder Group

It conducts investigations and researches into the safety, standards, regulations, environment, and recycling.

Document Management System Group

It carries out the development of document management system (DMS) and promotes its diffusion so as to satisfy both "securing corporate transparency" and "strengthening of managerial power" through the document information.

Mobile System Group

It provides proposals for the mobile networks and devices applications, conducts investigation and analysis of the market and technology trends concerning mobile related devices such as the calculator and electronic dictionary, and carries out the standardization and self generated statistics.